Wednesday, May 07, 2008

On to West Virginia

Well, it seems that the motherland of Lake County, Indiana made it a late night for the nets trying to make a call.

I went to bed after North Carolina was called and woke to the pleasant news that my Hoosier state made it an interesting night.

The only song that immediately came to mind about the next primary state is Take Me Home, Country Roads, by the late John Denver.

I actually have a funny story about this. When I was in school in Minnesota, my program was pretty small and I think I may have been in the minority, having been born in America and all. Many of our students were from China and I'm richer for the experiences I gained working with them.

Well, when John Denver died in that plane crash, some of the most upset people I knew were from China!

Apparently they used his records over there as an English-learning tool. When I kind of giggled at this story, two of the women in my program broke out into this spontaneous rendition of the song below.

It was quite heartwarming! (Just like Hillary.)


Unknown said...

I am a big fan of the Toots version of this song.

Dan said...

I went and listened to that and, to use the phrase-that-pays from just doesn't work for me.

But, I'm a bit odd.

Unknown said...

No Toots for you? You have never been a big reggae fan though, right?