Thursday, May 22, 2008

Lessons Learned from the 2008 Primary Season

The Hillarybillies' latest antics practically insure that the ride is not over.

But the real lesson we should be taking home is that the founders' apprehension about mixing religion and politics was well-founded.

Today, John McCain's dropping of the Hagee endorsement only barely beat out the preacher's recantation of said endorsement.

This, of course, was only the sequel to the screenplay Barry starred in a few weeks back when he, too, had to throw a nut that he always knew was a nut, under the bus.

Both politicians pitched and caught when it came to their relationships with the venerable men of God.

They needed some of that Jesus juice to reach various yokel constituencies in America but ended up laying in the wet spot when the rest of civilized society started to examine what the hell was going on, all praise to YouTube.

I don't expect that we're going to see a huge reversal of this use of religion on the campaign trail, but hopefully people will at least exercise a little bit more caution.

On second thought...maybe not.

1 comment:

Dan said...

Are you posting on a blog from the office!??! ;-)