Thursday, May 17, 2007

GOP Debate from South Carolina

Conventional wisdom, which I am jumping in with, seems to say that Rudy Giuliani was the big winner on Tuesday night in South Carolina. His risky strategy of trying to get the party base to overlook his out-of-step social views on the 3 G's, and instead consider him a leader on defense and terrorism issues, may have temporarily paid off.

There wasn't a hell of a lot of news coming out of the debate, so I thought I'd post up a few of my favorite zingers.

* 'I've often said that this Congress spends money like a bunch of drunken sailors. Well I recently got an email from a man who told me, "as a former drunken sailor myself, I resent being compared to this Congress.!" '

Paraphrasing John McCain

(The author hopes that McCain realizes that this joke has by now lost its luster and it's time to be retired)

* “I trust those conversions when they happen on the road to Damascus, not on the road to Des Moines.”

- Tom Tancredo

* “We’ve had Congress that’s spent money like (John) Edwards at a beauty shop.”

- Mike Huckabee

* “I don’t think I’ve ever heard that before and I have heard some pretty absurd explanations.”

- Rudolph Giuliani on Ron Paul's belief that the US brought 9-11 upon itself

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