Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Misgivings About the USA PATRIOT Act

The other day, a co-worker told me that, "us folks out in Mentor are really good people."  I jokingly voiced skepticism about anyone who had to proclaim their goodness to me instead of just demonstrating it.

Likewise, as standup comedians will often rhetorically ask, "does a real academic pursuit have to be followed by 'studies?'"  College kids don't major in "Chemistry Studies" or "Philosophy Studies" but we find this trend more and more in the ethno-centric "studies" programs.

Likewise, I've always been skeptical of the USA PATRIOT Act.  While it's actually an acronym too ridiculous to bother copying in this free space, I'm making a mental note to never again trust someone who names a law after the virtue they're trying to convince me it's based on.  I shouldn't have to be told that this law is patriotic.  Show me that instead in the way you act upon it.

Screw the agencies who have been abusing this legislation and good for congresspeople on both sides of the aisle for taking them to task today.

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