Every now and again, I like to cruise the "reader" comments below stories like these just to remind myself what kind of paranoia exists out there alongside really, really poor written communication skills.
I'm well aware that I ain't no prize, but some of these folks' writings reflect very disorganized thinking patterns if you ask me.
Where was I?

Oh yes, the Clinton strategery this Tuesday in the Lone Star State.
The Dallas Morning News got its lasso around the Clintonista Caucus Guide and, lo and behold, it suggests that her followers play rough and by the rules.
From the comments you can click into, though, you'd think she's suggesting some sort of Vince Foster action on Tuesday.
3:31 PM Sat, Mar 01, 2008 | PermalinkChristy Hoppe E-mail News tips
Hillary Clinton and her campaign is pushing for precinct captains for Texas' 8,000 Democratic polling places. They need to train folks to lead the caucus sessions that will determine more than 60 delegates after the primary voting is over. In training materials being handed out by the Clinton campaign, it is clear that they want to control those caucus sessions. The materials say in part, "DO NOT allow the supporter of another candidate to serve in leadership roles." It goes on to say, "If our supporters are outnumbered, ask the Temporary Chair if one of our supporters can serves as the Secretary, in the interest of fairness. "The control of the sign-in sheets and the announcement of the delegates allotted to each candidate are the critical functions of the Chair and Secretary. This is why it is so important that Hillary supporters hold these positions."
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