What baffles me is why I have not heard anyone speculate on what seems so obvious to me.
Last night, it got out that someone working in a Republican-controlled State Dept. had looked into the files of a leading Democrat.
That sucks because it reflects broadly-bad security around these files and also opens the door for claims of political monkeyshines.
So what better way to close up the politically-motivated conspiracy theory by broadening the problem and saying, "Heck, we found that all three of the Prez candidates have had their files snooped on! I reckon we got us a bunch of shitheads working down there!"
(This would hardly be a first in the 43-administration.)
Now, in an organization as large as this, it's not the least bit surprising to me that there would be some chance stupidity going on and some random employee would overstep their need-to-know by peeking at files.
It can't have been hard for them to find the other instances of foolishness going on to release them and blunt any conspiracy claims.
I'll have to wait with the rest of you to find out what really happened here, but my money's on the story above and I'll wait for people who get paid for their opinions to catch on.
What is it that is so controversial in ones passport file?
Not to downplay the significance of this in any way, just out of curiosity...
I was thinking that, too. I guess there's the identity theft angle that the media has been talking about, but who is going to be able to impersonate any of them.
If identity theft is the issue, then having their files looked at is no more offensive than people looking at our files.
And on that note, the data seems no more offensive than data you or I might or might not have had available at other places...and it seems that our place had tighter security around it than the gov't!
Is his more critical as his father is not a US citizen, or that he spent a lot of time overseas as a child?
Its probably the most comprehensive record of the life of someone whose Americanism has been in limbo, or at least questioned to be so.
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