First, David Brooks points out something that has annoyed the living heck out of me since Bubba was in office. As part of a larger opinion piece on how Hillary is ruining her party's chances in November for the sake of her own vanity, he mentions this asinine habit she has.
Think of the thousands of staged events, the tens of thousands of times she has pretended to be delighted to see someone she doesn’t know, the hundreds of thousands times she has recited empty clichés and exhortatory banalities, the millions of photos she has posed for in which she is supposed to appear empathetic or tough, the billions of politically opportune half-truths that have bounced around her head.The other, a news article, brings to us the new campaign argument being pushed by Hillary backer, Evan Bayh. Superdelegates should back Hillary because she holds a slight lead when you count not popular votes and not delegate votes, but Electoral College votes by state.
They, he argues, are the important thing after all, right?
Problem is...does anyone remember the utterly shallow popular vote cheerleading old blondie was doing in 2000?
"I believe strongly that in a democracy, we should respect the will of the people and to me, that means it’s time to do away with the Electoral College and move to the popular election of our president.”
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