I've been pretty consistent on this page in admitting that they are my network of choice. They have people on there who clearly dig politics and, while realizing that it's a more serious endeavor than a football game, don't hesitate to draw sports parallels when they're appropriate.
That said, their advertising now, while not quite as condescending as CNN's, does draw on the "tune in and watch MSNBC because it's the patriotic thing to do" a little more than is necessary.
Furthermore, they have these cutaway audio clips of Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann in different spots, talking about how great it is to be an American.
Again, no huge problem with this until Matthews starts waxing on about American optimism.
He drives the point home with this zinger, "Even if you're 93 years old, today is going to be a great day."
Now I can sometimes give the guy a pass for saying something moronic in the heat of the moment, but if not scripted, this is at least recorded and played over and over again on the network.
Just what in the hell is Blondie trying to say?
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