And, as Senors Bilas and Cody have noted, the Dan-Effect ;-) may not be being talked about quite enough, given that Ohio is an open primary. While we have to wait a few weeks and much can change between now and then, Pennsylvania is closed.
Poor math aside, Hillary's trying to pick up on this momentum by raising some much-needed dollars. I got this email from the campaign last night.

I hate the money game, but Tuesday inspired me to give another $35 to BO.
Well, now that you're making all those big bucks up there, that's like nothing, right? ;-)
Living the good life.
Or the full article:,9171,907665-1,00.html
Hey! I want big bucks too!
I'm just honored to have been referenced in a blog post.
We do have some good openings on the email marketing team...
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