Now, the four major IPs over there are collaborating with copyright holders to track down people using P2P software, allegedly violating copyrights, and taking measured steps to shut them down.
While I've experimented with this stuff the way Barry did a little blow back in the day, I generally don't deal much in commercially-released material. But increased monitoring (and action based on that monitoring) of one's online behavior is something I don't like.
...But I'd be lying if I told you I thought it was anything but inevitable.
The irony of your comments made me laugh. The Dan dualism: career or bootlegs?
Which will it be.
Of course we are in agreement, and so is your buddy BO. A staunch supporter of net neutrality.
The scary part of that is that i didn't mean to be funny.
I was not even thinking of the job.
I can't tell because you typed it, but the "Hahaha".... Was that a crazy sadistic laugh?
Honestly, I've been kind of brain dead the last week (ergo not posting a whole lot) and I really wasn't thinking that way.
No more sadism than normal.
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