So he's going to have to pull out all the stops in his effort to woo the cadre of misfits, perverts and retirees who call the Sunshine State their home for enough of the year to vote there.
Yesterday, he pulled off a doozy, calling for the federales to basically insure the insurers down there. While I know that even the most casual observer of our government can cite examples to me of bigger wastes of money, that doesn't justify Giuliani trying to fit this package into his campaign offering.
The argument, mostly presented by his Florida campaign honcho (and former Clinton Impeachment prosecutor) Bill McCollum, is that the people who are wealthy enough to choose to live in coastal areas are having trouble finding property insurance at rates approaching the cheap rates we pay up here in the rust belt.
Now imagine that. Every winter, as they sit down there laughing at the idiots who choose to live up north in the cold, these poor souls have to spend part of their sunny days wondering how they're going to get us to help pay off their insurance tabs.
They must have cooked up this scheme over a bucket of Coronas and some grilled gulf shrimp.
While I might joke tongue-in-cheek about it, it's hard to run under some sort of conservative banner when you endorse nonsense like this.
I love how quickly the 'invisible hand will solve it' folks turn their back on that philosophy and demand the government help them out when it is money out of (vs into) their pockets.
Anyone who has experience in insurance knows that it is priced based on risk. Obviously you have more risk living on a coast (pirates and hurricanes), and thus have more cost.
I dont think the government in the big easy, in the deserts of N. Mexico and Arizona, and in FL really should from a sustainability perspective encourage and subsidize these high risk living quarters.
My dad used to be in the national guard and, the way i remember the stories, at least, every spring they had to go down and dig these morons who choose to live right on the MS river out, as well.
It's even less-easy to muster up sympathy for people living on the Gulf of Mexico, though.
Rudy is DONE.
Are they still including him in the televised debates? Didn't Dr. Paul do better than him in Mich.?
He and Fred were really campaigning for a cabinet position anyway. Fred for secretary of [lack of] Energy, and Rudy for the secretary of 9/11.
That is an interesting question...esp given his drop.
There's another GOP debate on Thursday in Boca.
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