Hillary: "Goddammit, Bill. I just don't understand it. Neither of us said anything explicitly racist. No one's ever accused me of having a racist bone in my body. We didn't say that Barack should be hung from a tree, or anything about being hung for that matter. How in the world can they accuse us of being somehow racist? It seems that some people find it politically advantageous to exploit race and assert racist intentions!"
Bill: "We're out of brown sugar."
I'm really enjoying how the Spouses Clinton are having to explain themselves out of this one. For years, they got to play on the other side of the fence, subtly or overtly suggesting that their opponents were racist when they didn't sing just in the right key, but now they find themselves on the receiving end.
Turnabout is fair play.
Its so interesting to see the 'minority' candidates try to out minority each other.
I couldn't agree more, homeboy.
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