I did think, however, that the Dems were a little bit hysterical about it and were infusing a bit too much into how systematic it may have been.
Like people on the right who believe that Lefties sit around trying to find programs to waste their taxes on and increasingly elaborate ways to take their guns so they can truly implement the government tyranny they all desire, I've always thought that Democrats tend to give Republicans too much credit for deviousness.
While the actions of the increasingly-annoying ex-President don't change the likelihood of monkeyshines in 2000, they do show the low threshold some Democrats have when it comes to making claims of systematic disenfranchisement.
Bubba was trotting around the casinos yesterday (did you like the high-cut outfits that the girls wear at Mandalay Bay, Bill?) indirectly accusing the Obama campaign of suppressing the vote of Hillary supporters.
This is kind of like finding out that your neighbor got sick from the same brand of soup that made you sick a few weeks back. While it COULD be a coincidence, it does make you stop and wonder...
Bill Clinton is so far out of control right now, trading barbs with Barack Obama, he his hurting his wife's candidacy.
Never thought I would see a national debate between a white guy, and a half black guy as to who's "blacker."
The interesting thing is how he is damaging his long term credibility and standing. Its pretty low of a former president to do something like this.
I don't remember GHW Bush campaigning like this for Shrub. Maybe he knew something we didn't.
But anyway, its quite a bit beneath a former president to do things like this.
BO did have a funny one last night (in addition to the First Black President line that had me practically rolling) about not knowing who he was really running against.
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