I was never very sensitive to or bothered by discussion of voting along racial lines by the media.
Perhaps it's because of the general reliability of the African American vote getting behind Democratic candidates. But when it came up in the news, it seemed to be like watching a weather report in San Diego...it's unclear why anyone even bothers to report that today is going to be like yesterday and tomorrow looks pretty much the same.
I find it increasingly offensive, though, during this political season.
But if I had a little more time on my hands, I'd try to get into CSPAN one day when another smart ass pollster or journalist is on, talking about who AA's are voting for these days. If I got through, I'd ask the person if, within the AA community, "light-skinned blacks vote more like whites or dark-skinned blacks."
As offensive as my question sounds, it's effectively no different than "polite" analysis of the issue done today.
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