Saturday, November 01, 2008

Nifty Google Earth Election Presentation

Some smarty pants got all US election results, by county, back to 1980, into Google Earth.

This is pretty cool to play with.

To me, Google Earth is like a whole hunka potential. To date, I've just kind of played around with it, and found using it like a Flight Simulator is fun, but have not done much useful with it yet...same for its iPhone app which was released this week. But I think it will only be a short amount of time before my Birks are knocked off by it.

Mark Ambinder's blog at The Atlantic is where I saw this mention first.


Unknown said...

Look, my little Fillmore and Houston counties went blue.

Dan said...

I still love that graphic someone did after 2004, naming a big part of the country "Dumbphukistan."