In my defense, I've found the latter campaign to be just plain boring. The distribution of real estate doesn't necessarily reflect my affinity (or disdain) for either of the candidates.
But...Bill Kristol's column in the Times today started to nudge that door open for my having a reason to pay attention to McCain.
He claims that it's just going to be a short matter of time before McCain invites the crazy Irishman responsible for his 2000 campaign (as well as gubernatorial campaigns of Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney), Mike Murphy, on board.
This would be a welcome change for Team McCain, in my opinion.
Part of the reason I've found him boring is that he appears led-around too much lately. I've not heard much of the candor that attracted me to his 2000 campaign.
As Kristol notes, Murphy is good at 'letting McCain be McCain.'
That can't be any worse than what they're letting him be now.
I certainly hope Mr. Murphy is fully cognizant of the following:
Romney adds a net nothing to the ticket; his negatives at least approximate the positives.
McCain NEEDS Alaska Gov Sarah Palin (if he wants to win in November) — whose positives are too numerous to mention here (with no negatives).
– and don’t cite Palin’s lack of experience, since she’s got 10 times that of Obama!!!
You're not fooling me, buddy.
Are you Ted Stevens? ;-)
While I don't know that any candidate has zero negatives, as you put it, the Palin idea's not a bad one.
Plus, she's pretty cute and it seems like she might be able to challenge Barry to a game of H-O-R-S-E or something if we have another Florida scenario (this time in MN or CO, though).
So I won't go as far as you, but I don't have much reason at the moment to argue hard against her in favor of someone else.
(And we are in agreement on Mitt.)
Well, upon re-reading that, you are being a little lose with the 10X the experience agrument...
Kristol is such a tool. I can't believe you take a word of what he says seriously. I don't, especially after his propaganda mission to get us into Iraq.
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