The news analysis noted that the speech lacked almost any real substance or detail and when it did (he suggested that the Krauts, as well as the rest of the EU, is going to have to pony up more troops in Afghanistan), it kind of slipped by the crowd, all decked out in their Yankees hats and waving Obama-supplied American flags.
David Brooks goes further on the Op-Ed page, calling him out for illegal use of optimism not grounded in reality. When used in tandem, these are good things, but without, as Brooks writes, Barack really seems to have jumped the shark.
Don't get me wrong, I'm going to be very happy to have a President I can probably be proud of in a few months. The cowboy routine with W was only attractive for a very short amount of time.
I just wonder what we're going to see when he's faced with making an actual legislative or military decision...something that forces you into some real choices beyond words in a speech. For him, they often seem to be a form of abstract art, where it can mean whatever the viewer/listener wants it to mean.
BHO is going to peak too early.
Premature....dang, there has to be a good punchline here.
Two bad I was not good so in English.
He'll be fine. You guys are just trying to find something to fault him on after a great week of showing us all how different a BO administration would be from the current one.
Call 9/11, BO lacked specificity in giving a 'rock star' speech to 200k Germans who can't even vote.
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