I hadn't paid much attention to this until I was watching Mrs. Senor's CNN show and they showed him in front of the dairy aisle trying to explain his historically-inaccurate portrayal of the so-called Sunni Awakening.
While the toilet paper aisle might have been slightly more appropriate, if cliche, there was something poetic about where he chose to give such a cheesy talk.
With the great spring we had, watching to able Democratic candidates go after each other in the primary, McCain has been disappointing so far in making the November decision a difficult one.
While I might not have been going into it with the full intention of voting for him, he's not giving me much reason, either in the substance or style of his campaign, to give him a hard look.
Having some background in the insurance business and pricing models, I find his health care plan particularly alarming. He is trying to destroy the employer based health insurance programs. He is so far out of the mainstream, I really can't believe it.
To be honest, I am trying to like the guy (just in case I have to), but wow he is so out of touch.
I think you are being too harsh on the guy.
At least he can balance this out with a sensible idea like suspending the gas tax for the summer months.
That would have an immediate impact on the amount of consumer confidence we have as well as prices...
I couldn't even keep track of the sentence. I figured it was sarcasm, but I read it like 4 times trying to figure out the joke. It was too far over my head.
So are you going to atone for your mistakes of the primary season?
Sorry, I was just trying to pull out another asinine McCain idea (the suspension of the gas tax over the summer) as something that should counterbalance the silliness you noted about his health plan.
I don't think I made a mistake in the primary, really...Barry still won on the Dem side and McCain was going to win on the Repub side.
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