Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Grand Wiz

In this temporary age of Imus (who I predict will make some kind of comeback), we can never forget this blast from the past. Currently the longest-serving member ever of the US Senate, Robert Byrd also holds the unique distinction of being a former Klansmen. In fact, he was not just a follower. This ambitious young racist even recruited 150 others to join!

Worry not, he's explained in the past that it was a "youthful indiscretion."

Well, you can take the white hood off the man, but it's hard to shake his vocabulary.

I remember watching this Sunday show when it originally aired. I was in California and remember running out from the kitchen to check if I was hearing things or not.

Listen all the way through, but if you're in an office or around little people, you may wish to turn down the volume a little bit or wait till you have privacy. Old Bobby drops a few bombs and the end.

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