If we're gong to do this, in a reproduction class, should we teach about the virgin birth of Christ as an alternate way a woman can become with child? If it's in the Bible, and we see the Bible as containing a legitimate interpretation of fact, it probably should.
Likewise, when one dies, we teach in some biology classes about rigor mortis and all the stages the body goes thru. Should we list as an exception to this, what happened to JC when he died? The justification would be the same as above.
To be clear, i have no problem at all and am not questioning or commenting on things taken as articles of faith. My issue is with people who take that article of faith and think that it should fit into a science class as alternate, on-par, plausible interpretation for all of us.
I don't care that much what Governor Palin or others believe in their hearts as articles of faith. I won't mock it or agree with it. I'm also not too concerned about what little kids are going to learn in science class (at least as far as my Presidential candidates are concerned) but I am interested in someone being elected who cannot compartmentalize what is science and what is faith, and allows them to spill into each other.
People always try to make the bible into a lot more than it was ever meant to be. It is not a book designed to enlighten us on history, or on science. The bible is a theological text meant to enlighten us on the relationship between God and humanity.
Although this revelation is incredibly powerful and helpful in life, it does not and was not designed to 'explain' anything other than theology.
To use it as anything else is akin to using the toilet to was your face. Sure, it may kinda work but your not any closer to being clean afterwords.
The bitterness rears its ugly head on this page again...
I know. You really should see someone about that.
How witty!
Haha. I decided to use the thoughtfulness of your post when deciding just how much wit to apply.
I think it was pretty much dead-on. ;-)
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