I'm not going to blog like crazy on the details of the Wall Street/Main Street financial situation, but hearing old Shrub in the Rose Garden this morning just made my toes curl.
He spoke about basic macroeconomic issues with the kind of awe that a 7th grader might have when he first learns how capital markets work...but this guy holds a degree from Harvard and is the President.
I couldn't make this stuff up, dear reader...read for yourself his explanation of why he opted against his non-interventionist instinct.
"It turns out there are a lot of inner links throughout the financial system. The system had grown to a point where a lot of people were dependent upon each other. And the collapse of one part of the system wouldn't just affect a part of the financial markets, it would affect the average citizen."
George W. Bush, 20-September-2008
It turns out that Wall Street does not operate independently of the rest of the economy, Dickhead? Really? Did the boys from the Fed explain that to you in your briefing?
Its like Communism via hyper-capitalism. Not the revolution that Marx and Engels forecasted in the Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei, but it will get us there.
Bush with the old bait and switch.
Slow down there, champ!
You voted for him because he's made sure you're not taking shrapnel when you go to the market to buy the ingredients for your peach cobbler.
Barry's got a whole lot of stuff like this, too. In GWB's case, or no matter who is president, you have to walk the line of saying something, without saying anything at all, so the market doesn't tank another 500 points.
It's like the art of fighting, without fighting.
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