The whole sex education in schools thing never fired me up that much. Maybe it's because I don't have kids, so I don't think about it all that often. Maybe it's because I'm pretty apathetic about over-legislating school curricula. Or it might just be because it's a red herring issue.
But the brouhaha last week over McCain's claims, and Barry's counterattack, about the so-called kindergarten sex ed bill in IL is the topic of a new article by National Review's Byron York.
The gist of it is that, the tenor of McCain's ad notwithstanding, the truth is much more on McCain's side than it was Barack's. York's research suggests that the Illinois Senate bill actually was a comprehensive sex ed bill and that there was more to it than the stranger danger motif suggested by the Obama campaign in their shrill retort.
You make the call.
I read the text of the legislation, since that's my job. :)
The whole thing was pretty ridiculous. BHO did some pretty crazy things when he was in Springfield, a luxury politicians here have when they don't have to worry about their re-election chances.
Personally, I think his pro-crime stance was more important, but sex ed for kindergartners, or any kid in elementary school is ridiculous.
As bad as some parents may be, I know that the State of Illinois is in a position to say that it is better in decision making when it comes to children's education.
So you lambaste Obama for suggesting that sex ed 'should be taught to kindergartners' by calling it ridiculous, and then say that people besides someones parents should stay out of making decisions for their children and judging what is appropriate for them. Slightly hypocritical?
And "Pro Crime" Please explain, is this like Pro Life or do people have a choice as to whether they commit some B&E?
Granted you make some points, and I agree with you, but I think you make some dubious methods to get there.
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