After Madame Speaker decided to call it quits for the traditional August recess, they still wanted to talk about energy.
Problem is that she had it cut...the lights, mics and even CSPAN were cut out, but the Party of Lincoln stayed on the floor for several hours.
With Democrats out of the chamber fuming, the Republicans were left there to play with themselves.
They finally gave up several hours later, to cheers and a "USA!" chant from the gallery, singing God Bless America.
Why do you hate on the GOP?
Seriously, S....I really don't hate the GOP (nor the Church).
I'm trying to call it as I see it, and finding a bit of humor here and there.
I've been pro- and con- with the Church, any number of political persuasions, gays/homophobes...
Speaking of the GOP, I've been reading a biography of Lee Atwater recently...hope to finish it in the next week and put something up about it.
I'm really enjoying it.
The real question is why does the GOP hate America? Dressing it up as hyper-nationalism doesn't mean that it is good for or loving of America.
chode -
Reading from the DNC talking points directly, or did you come up with that yourself?
I come from the farm labor wing of the DFL, so take it as you will. I have watched republicans my whole life crap on farmers and on labor to be take their theater seriously.
Its especially tragic if you, as I do, believe that agriculture and industry, are the backbone of this great country.
Could you also please counter my arguments made, rather than simply attack me? I know the ad hominem can be fun, as is the strawman, but really...
For instance, please tell me how the GOP loves America? How has the party contributed to the overall success of America? I'll give you emancipation, but for the sake of recency let's try to stay out of Antebellum American history.
For the most part, it seems like pompous chest bumping and johnson measuring to me. But please prove me wrong.
See, I wish the grateful dead postings would inspire this kind of vigorous argument.
I put up a stellar "Stella Blue" from the 1994 Boston Garden run, claiming it was the best one in a decade.
Then Chode or S write back, asking if I was dropped on my head as a baby, or breast-fed from wild jackals because everyone knows that the Rex Benefits at the Cal Expo in 1992 would kick the crap out of what the east coasters saw....
Gee, must be why all of those farmers (except for the crackpots who have been indoctrinated with five-year plans and promises of peace, work and bread - thanks Amy Klobuchar & V.I. Lenin) vote for the GOP overwhelmingly.
As far as labor is concerned, they need the DFL and DNC to remain relevant. Since I'm a former union member myself, I've seen it from both sides.
Agriculture and industry forming a backbone? The Dear Leader, Kim Jong-Il has a direct flight for you to Pyongyang for you to espouse your views on Juche. Keep those factories humming. I heard the may be getting color television next year!
Sounds like someone whipped out their thesaurus to make an impression. I know that the author of this page doesn't have friends intelligent enough to use such flowery diction, using words such as pompus and antebellum.
As for the RNC loving America, I'll add the National Park System and the Civil Rights Act.
If you can tell me what the DFL/DNC/CPUSA has done to love America and make it a better place, you just won a dollar.
Now, I didn't come here to measure anyone's 'johnson,' but that's obviously what you had in mind, especially since you chose the login 'chode.' Nice work.
If you two enjoy this kind of banter, far be it for me to make too many ground rules, but I don't appreciate direct jabs at me and what kinds of friends (and their associated intelligence) I keep.
Seriously, lighten up on that kind of thing.
Good call on the national park system. I forgot about that one, heck I'll throw in trust busting too.
Sorry Dan, i'll/we'll play nice. I do resent being asked to leave my country for insisting that we do more to make her ideals a reality. Is it basically a threat of marginalization from foreign policy elites?
S - I do think that you do misunderstand ag, and farmers. They are acutely aware of the limitations of a near perfect capitalistic model, and of government interventions as well. But I have seen and experienced farmers going bankrupt very much because of republican policy.
Ah who knows, but I enjoy a good rational argument on the points but not the name calling etc. Over and Out.
I don't misunderstand agriculture and farmers. In fact, I enjoy talking about corn and beans (soy) as much as the next guy.
It's not GOP policy that put those farmers in bankruptcy, it's low commodities prices mixed with overextending themselves on credit. I don't think either party deserves blame on that.
I don't think all people from DFL are bad. I always got on well with the late Paul Wellstone, on a personal level.
Dan -
The comment about the intelligence of your friends was in jest, and I was including myself amongst them. I should have added the :)
Okay, fair enough...that works for me on the joking. Thanks!
Besides Dan, we can easily see how smart you are for staying above the fray.
Har har har....it was the (misunderstood) indictment of friends that bothered me...
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