Barry's decision to forsake a big job on Wall Street and work as a "community organizer" on the rough streets of Chicago's south side has played a central role in his campaign's narrative.
(As David Brooks put it the other day, "he chose to put his ego aside to become...redeemer of the human race.")
They hold it out there for us, every chance they get, to prove his humanity and feeling for the common man.
That's all fine and good. I'm happy for him.
But isn't it just a little bit strange that I've never seen testimonials from any of these folks he's helped? If I'm Obama, and I've shown no shame about describing my paid employment as if it were a lifelong, clerical vow of poverty, surely I'd be happy to trot out some people I helped during those days...perhaps even wash their feet in some kind of pre-dinner ceremony?
What gives?
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