Governor Palin seems photogenic enough, but I'm struggling to come up with what she has that the other short-listers don't...short of an evidently-functional uterus.
I don't need to go down her list of qualifications in a mocking tone to prove my point. She's a small-town mayor-turned-governor from a sparsely populated state whose problems don't seem, at first glance, to be representative of what one would have to deal with in Washington should she move up one heartbeat on the food chain.
I'm not really arguing that her background disqualifies her from service. It's possible that she would end up being quite competent in her job, but in choosing her, McCain neutered the experience argument he was going to use against Barry.
(So speaking of the experience argument, as of last night, the RNC was still running this ad here in Ohio...why?)
Again, I'm no fan of Chuck Schumer's politics or policies, but the guy's not stupid. John McCain is a hard worker, but this decision just smells of desperation to me. I've yet to hear or read what Palin brings to the table. If the argument is, "She's a woman, so she'll bring disaffected Hillary voters," then why not just add Michael Steele to the ticket and poach the black vote from the other side?
Because it's not that simple.
About as qualified as Barry. My two cents.
Compared to Palin, Barry looks like Hubert Humphrey.
The pick seems designed to reaffirm the 'mavrick' image, and shore up the conservative base which Palin seems to find herself in the good favor of.
She is clearly not ready for prime time, other than her beauty queen credentials. It frankly embarrassing.
I was class president, can I be in congress?
Your governor was on MTP this morning touting that she's raised a family of five and has sat around the kitchen table balancing a budget, thereby enabling her to relate to normal voters.
The short list is getting longer...
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