In my travels, I came across an interesting little write-up (which draws on an even more interesting linked article about "undecided" voters...something that infuriates me to absolutely no end and I'll have to post on later) on what the Junior Senator from IL is up to.
They argue that Democrats, for years, have run on the issues (John Kerry is a classic example of someone who tried to explain to people why he should be President) while Republicans have made it their habit to run national campaigns based on the personality of the candidate and generalities (God, Mom and Apple Pie sorts of things).
Obama might be the culmination of Democratic lessons-learned over these last 20-some years and coming back with a vengeance. He's tapping into our emotions while prior candidates only tried to appeal to our brains.
He also starts to touch on how this can be a dangerous thing when the wrong hands are running the show, something I've openly worried about here.
It's one of the more appealing explanations/arguments I've read on this so far and it's well-worth the 5-minute scan if you can.
I too often worry about the consequences if we let the pendulum swing to far in the other direction.
What happens when a slick "I want to have a beer with 'em" guy from Craw... I mean Chicago is in the white house with majorities in both houses of congress.
Didn't we just spend the last 7 years figuring that one out? I don't want to trade one master for another. Then again, the ideas seem much better, and things certainly can't get much worse.
What is a McCain presidency really going to do for me anyway. Right?
I couldn't have said it better myself ;-)
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