He's talking openly about wanting to explore charter schools and some kind of merit pay for teachers.
For a Democratic Presidential candidate, by my recollection, this is kind of a big deal. He's just taking a wiz right on the third rail for the NEA and other "education" groups.
Personally I've always been a little offended by their strong aversion to trying things like paying for performance, but what do I know...Teachers must be the only people in the world who believe that their on-the-job performace is imperfectly measured. The rest of us dolts just create widgets and get payed exactly accurately for what we do.
This can be seen as nothing but a serious move for those disenchanted GOP voters who have been hearing about this Barack guy and just need a good reason to go over and vote for him.
If nothing else, cheers to Obama for what could be the play of the month!
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