I post these silly news event tie-in songs with full knowledge that not much separates me from the brainiac who came up with the idea to promote Rock-tober on radio stations.
That said, it amuses me and that's pretty much my threshold around here.
Looking at the polling out in the Golden State, there's simply no doubt that Barack is at least narrowing the gap. Some of the polls that are coagulated on Pollster.com actually show him in the lead. It could be a late night out here and I'm as excited as I've ever been about an election night.
The best thing I could think of, as we perhaps watch The Big Enchilada go over to Barack, was Billy Joel's timeless Say Goodbye to Hollywood....in honor of the Junior Senator from New York.
Is California a winner take all state? As long as the majority of these states are close, it really doesn't matter. If Obama can stay close, or win any of these states he is in really good shape to claim the nomination. Hillary needs to do really well today, to gain the mantle of frontrunner, and to stomp out the flame [of hope].
Most of the dem primaries, CA included, are proportional. Agreed that tonight might not be as much about math on Wed morning as it is Joe-mentum. Ohio could, in fact, be relevant!
Have fun caucusing.
My neighborhood broke out like this:
1 - Kucinich (rancorous applause when announced)
1- for Dodd
152- Hillary Clinton
385 - Barack Obama
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