Exhibitionism, known variously as flashing, apodysophilia and Lady Godiva syndrome, is the psychological need and pattern of behavior to exhibit naked parts of the body to another person with a tendency toward an extravagant, usually at least partially sexually inspired behavior to captivate the attention of another in an open display of bare "private parts" — i.e., parts of the human body which would otherwise be left covered under clothing in nearly all other cultural circumstances....Usually, flashing is done as a momentary "thrill" to inflate the ego of the flasher while having the "added bonus" of increasing the arousal of the recipient(s).
They cite a leaked "internal memo" they got from the McCain campaign yesterday going over the strengths and weaknesses of the Giuliani campaign. McCain is feeling more confident after a good debate performance in Florida and improving poll numbers over the last week.
The details of the memo didn't interest me as much as the Times' insistence on putting "leaked memo" in quotes throughout their posting. They said that this is a trend that's always been around, but increasing this year...when campaigns dress up what would normally be called talking points to look like a leaked memo.
Doing it this way gives members of the press the idea that they're seeing something inside and secret, and are more likely to pump them up and give them more visible coverage in the paper.
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