Conventional wisdom says:
- Huckabee, after some strong polling and straw poll results this week could show that he really does wear big boy pants and is ready to run with the front pack.
- It's gut check time for Thompson. The Jesus freaks really want to love him (in a Biblically-appropriate way, of course) but so far he's being seen as downright indifferent to the whole process and not in possession of the "fire in the belly."
- Giuliani's straightforward, "this is who I am, take me or leave me, but at least you know where I stand" strategy, while risky, could pay off if people are scared of running a hick and their other guy, understandably, would rather be at home poking his trophy wife.
- The Christians remain rationally concerned that Romney's myth of order in the universe does not mesh so well with the myths they believe in. This gives them strong reason not to trust him to set appropriate tax policy.
I'll be flipping channels tonight between this battle and the one in Fenway as our Indians struggle after two straight losses to Boston in their bid to make it to the Series.
Heading out for the wonderful 80-degree day we're expecting here in Cleveland...
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