Predictably, the fair-and-balanced folks over at Fox are running with this story above stories about the dog food scare and a how-to video for wannabe pedophiles that is circulating.
Basically, this is the same song and dance we see all the time....attention-seeking artist comes out with something meant to offend only the most moronic of zealots (whether they be genderzealots, religiozealots, politicozealots....) and, like trained dolphins, they play the game.
Some yo-yo out in New York decided to put on a show this week with a milk chocolate replica of Christ on the cross. Predictably, Bill Donohue came out complaining as if old ladies were being beaten with the Holy Chalice on their way into morning Mass.
"This is one of the worst assaults on Christian sensibilities ever."
Bill Donohue, The Catholic League
Honestly, if your faith is so fragile that some half-cocked artist can shake your foundation by melting down some Hershey bars and molding them, then it might be time for a little bit of self-examination. And for a man whose church has had more than its share of scandals recently, Billy should remember that those in glass sanctuaries should not throw stones.
you give conservatives, catholics, and political junkies a good name Dan. Thanks for being the rational man you are.
i should come out with jewish peanut butter...would make for a great commercial mixing it up with chocolate christ :)
Sheesh, next thing you know, people will be saying that gay marriage threatens their own heteromarriages!
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