As both of my loyal readers know, I've posted here before about how some on the left like to cite having their patriotism questioned when they take certain stances on the war. I was unaware of anytime that this actually happened.
Until today.
That scuzzy little Tom Delay was on Meet the Press this morning and among other zingers said that once troops go into battle, the whole country should fall into blind obedience.
This is how the former exterminator from Sugarland ruined my breakfast this morning.
MR. RUSSERT: Mr. Delay, you raise an interesting point in an interview--in your political column. You talked about congressmen advocating withdrawal, and you conclude by saying, "Yes, I am questioning their patriotism." Why is that?
FMR. REP. DeLAY: Well, I--it, it is my opinion that when you go to war, we ought to all come together. You can debate going to war, that's a legitimate debate. But once you have our soldiers and our, our young people dying on the battlefield, we should come together, and we shouldn't have what we had yesterday on the Mall of, of, of--in Washington, D.C. When the--those are not, in my mind--my opinion, patriots that are talking about impeaching the commander in chief, that are--that are--work as, as Tom's group works....
MR. RUSSERT: But setting a date for--is setting a date for withdrawal...
FMR. REP. DeLAY: ...every step of the day, undermine--I think it's aiding and abetting the enemy. When you tell the enemy what your strategy is, that's aiding and abetting the enemy because they can use that strategy to come back and harm your soldiers.
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