And it ticked me off.
It all stemmed from some sniper who was doing practice over there on the almighty Koran.
Someone spotted it and was outraged and the mea culpas started rolling in. We apparently offended the sensibilities of certain Iraqis...the people who think it's alright to blow up marketplaces and soldiers at the drop of a turban, but when a fart is blown in the presence of their stupid holy book, they all of a sudden become as righteous as another individual who favored sandals.
(Parenthetically, this incident shows you what buttheads the people in this country are who want to make flag burning a federal crime.)
Anyway, while this incident is ultimately Bush's fault for bringing us all over there, I'm still waiting for these f**ing chieftans to start apologizing and paying us back for the lives and money we're continuing to piss into the Euphrates every day.
1 comment:
The obvious answer is just to leave, starting yesterday.
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