He's not the first person to float this possibility by any stretch, but does lay out a succinct case for it.
Bobby, the son of Indian immigrants, broke through one of the most serious good old boy networks in the country to be elected there last year. This alone displays a competence that at the very least rivals Obama's rise to the Senate in IL (where he ended up running against the truly wacky Alan Keyes.)
Furthermore, bringing him aboard will help neutralize both McCain's age as well as the diversity zeitgeist permeating the current Democrat race.
He also cites polling numbers that show a generic/predictable Republican ticket losing to a Clinton/Obama (or Obama/Clinton) ticket. Maybe the GOP will have to mix it up a little bit and not go with a more conventional choice.
I think it's an interesting thought and it gives me a reason to look forward to the August convention in the Twin Cities.
Or the GOP will just cut their losses, and focus on finding someone better for the next time around.
It seems pretty obvious that they threw the old man to the dogs, hoping Flip and others have time to refine themselves.
Why take one of the brighter stars and turn them into a loser?
I was thinking the other day, how much bigger the Texas polygamy thing would be if Flip was the presumptive nominee.
Maybe the similiarities will continue and McCain will do Viagra ads.
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