Al's been doing well, predictably, with the entertainment crowd. Rosie O'Donnell is one of his benefactors. He's doing so well, in fact, that he outraised Coleman during the 2d quarter by a small margin.
I was a graduate student at the U of MN between 1996 and 2000, so I have some experience in the area of voting for a celebrity candidate (who went by the nickname, "The Mind") for a major seat in Minnesota. I'm watching this race with some interest.
Franken's radio show on Air America appears to have been good for him not only in further-cementing his name association, but also with being able to articulate his positions and tell good back stories. While I can't link him from work, check out some of the Youtube content on him. He's clearly comfortable talking about what government can do for people.
I certainly see him as a more serious person than Ventrua ever was, as well as smarter, but it will be interesting to see how much the RNC decides to fight for Coleman.
Yeah his only problem is that he will be tied to "The mind" in that he is celebrity politician, and we here in Gods Country got burnt on that last time.
But then again we are so ready to get rid of Norm, that it could be Cerici for all we care.
But Al has the liberal credentials, and still can appeal to the mainstream. Granted he wont get a ton of votes from the veiled racists on the I-94 corridor and cannon valley, but the rest of the state is ready for the election with baited breath.
The question is...will Garrison actively campaign for him?
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