An American Presidential Campaign, no less a ritual, seem to have a role for this player, too...and it don't hurt if your little helper is the most popular living ex-President of modern times.
The New York Times has a nice piece this morning about the intricate dance the Spouses Clinton are playing as Bill plays a more visible role in his wife's bid for another stint at 1600 Pennsylvania.
While the couple had to start to play down the "two for the price of one" rhetoric in 1992 and 1996, the spousal mentions seem to play a different role this time around. The trick, of course, is not to play it so hard that they're asking people to vote merely for a proxy of the Silver Fox.
I'm very interested to see how much of a bad cop he can play once the field narrows a bit and, of course if Hillary makes it to the big dance after the primary season.
Don't Stop being yourself, Bill.
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