Saturday, February 17, 2007

This weekend in Washington

This week, the Democrat-controlled Congress attempted to push through a non-binding resolution expressing disapproval with the President's plan to increase troop levels in Iraq.  
The plan ultimately failed in the Senate during a rare Saturday session.

While I agree that GeeDub continues to behave like a depraved gambler who's been spilling the kids' First Communion money into the same slot machine for the whole President's Day weekend at the Fremont with only bloodshot eyes and the skanky whore on his arm to show for it, their position doesn't pass the stink test.

Shame on the media for not holding the feet of people like New York's junior Senator to the fire. When she says that her real problem is that President Bush went into Iraq rather than the bluff-card she believes she gave him then she should have been screaming bloody murder from the moment we started to march into Iraq almost 4 years ago...not waiting until the current situation provided her with enough political cover to disingenously co-opt the position of true believers like Dennis Kucinich and Barbara Lee.

One has to wonder what kind of evil man would teach her a trick like this?

While the real showdown may yet come about this spring, this week's events were little more than a charade.

Amazingly, Austrian artist Gustav Klimt predicted this act by the Congress almost a century ago!


Unknown said...

Why are we so afraid to admit that the authorization to use force was a bluff?

Dan said...

Bluffing is fine. My point is that were she genuine in being against his going in then she should have said so from the get-go, not waiting until it turned sour to start singing a different tune.