I know it's just one vote and part of me feels like I'm being too melodramatic about it, but I'm very far from thrilled with casting a vote for Barack. The things that drew me to his candidacy...the perception that he's a thoughtful guy and a smart organizer remain. I don't think he's prone to rash decisions. He seems like a measured guy.
What pulls me back from jumping right in the deep end, though, is the fear that he's some kind of serious-ass bleeding heart that will explode spending and won't be able to offset the costs of any domestic plans by getting out of Iraq a whole hell of a lot sooner than McCain.
McCain's no angel and I really question his judgement...from fearing that he'll jump the gun and go after the next towel head that pisses him off to the knowledge that he picked someone like Palin to join him on the ticket. She's clearly a natural campaigner and the textbook case of an overachiever, but in McCain's own words, the real job of the Veep is to be able to take over and as much of a verbal loose cannon as Biden is, I think that these two individuals are best-suited for very different kinds of activities at 3 in the morning.
I trust Joe more than someone who can't name a newspaper she reads. Sue me.
I'll probably end up going with Barack, but I really need to sleep on this one. Luckily, I can see the polling place from the front door, so can wait till the lines are short.
I think anyone is kidding himself/herself if they think Obama will be anything but a slighly left of center president. Even Kristol acknowledges that.
His time on the Harvard law review, and all the chatter about Hagel, Powell and other Republicans in his potential cabinet really point to legitimacy as a consensus builder.
Especially in the case of the Harvard law review, he picked more 'conservatives' than 'liberals' for the editorial staff. His concern for a top notch publication superseded his ideological slant.
Couple that with the new president's bad habit of going out of their way to avoid the mistakes of the last one (partisanship, and veering too far to one direction over the other).
If your previous post on how you valued competence above all else, then clearly I think Obama is your man.
Also, if you really look at his policies, there is nothing really radical about them. They are typically right of where polls tend to show the general american public.
Thats my pitch, but good luck with the decision. I can see you are taking it very seriously.
I believe you are correct on the closer-to-center thing...it's just a lingering fear that I have.
At this point, McCain, for all the talk about competence has been there for a long time and things are quite messed up, so I am willing to just take a chance and see what's going to happen.
I figure it this way, if McCain does the worst thing I can think of (bomb bomb bomb...), we'll be f--ed for a generation. If Barry does the worst thing people accuse him of, taxes will be too high for two years, the Congress will get voted out and things overturned.
Decision made.
Thanks for helping me think through this.
Shoot, I guess I'm too late.
BTW, polling shows three-quarters of Americans opposing "spreading the wealth around."
Bill Clinton was slightly left of center. Barack Obama, should he be the next president, will more along the lines of Jimmy Carter. Intellectual, but not really good at the important stuff. As a result, the country will suffer as a whole.
McCain will not go off to fight new wars, as much as the Democrats would like you to think, especially if he has a hostile, Democrat-controlled Congress to work with.
Don't buy into the Obama talking points...
Whose talking points should I believe, then? I'm obviously incapable of thinking about this on my own, as you've implied, so I need someone to tell me what to do...
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