I do have to say that I was thoroughly unimpressed with McCain, in a theatrical sense. The first debate, planned to be on international relations (although the economy did halfway hijack it), was supposed to be his pet issue. However, for all his harping, including his opening taunt about how it's "nice to see you in a town hall," the format is allegedly McCain's home turf, but he didn't come through.
He reminds one of a little kid who does the special trick all the time to the delight of his immediate family, but once guests are over and he's prodded to do it, we find the kid choking up because the act doesn't play as well with a crowd lacking preordained affection for the performer.
I really didn't see any relative mastery of the format out of McCain...he seemed pretty stiff to me. I suspect Governor MILFy would have done better performing on this stage.
Obama was pretty stiff, and took McCain's bait way to often. They kept exchanging jabs with each other, rather than answering the questions. I thought it was silly. Boring too.
Fortunately, for Obama the policy opinions of the majority of Americans are with him or to the 'left' of him.
or as the Independent put it:
"It is even possible - apologies to Republicans - that some viewers felt sorry for Mr McCain. Sorry for him when he made a stab at a couple of jokes only to see them fall flat. And sorry for the man who couldn't stop fidgeting when his opponent spoke, either madly scribbling notes or wandering nervously about the edge of the stage like a cocktail guest not sure if anyone at the party liked him."
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