Friedman's column in yesterday's paper gets at something important. Just the fact that a guy with as silly a name as Obama's, with such an Amish quilt background (minus the Amish), really makes this one of those "only in America" stories that chest-thumping patriots like to talk about.
He writes the column from Cairo and asks, rhetorically, whether the keys to power are truly available to all citizens of a country like Egypt.
Of course not.
Just having gotten someone like Barry to become a major party nominee is something that distinguishes us from most of the rest of the world.
Now, his background should in no way be a substitute for preparation for the job and that's not the argument Friedman or I are making. But I will argue that all these America-first rednecks who won't vote for 'that mooslim who goes to a church' because he has a funny name ought to take a step back and look again at what makes this country pretty cool.
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