This week, a mixed bag of Ohio state legislators started the ball rolling on making it a 3d degree misdemeanor for a retailer to sell a flag that's not made in the United States.
It's almost not worth the effort for me to bitch about this one.
It's easy to go after retailers. If you find it that offensive for one to engage in the practice of flying foreign flags, then why not make it illegal to buy or fly one of these?
Further, we really need to be careful about defining exactly what a flag is. Does a picture of a flag on a newspaper constitute a "flag?" What about a piece of cloth with the colors that look like a flag, but it might be one stripe short or one star too many? Is that a flag?
It really is silly season.
See what happens when you put that pinko in the governorship.
See what happens when you put that pinko in the governorship.
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