Al Hunt, in an opinion piece for Bloomberg news, pulls out more evidence that Democrats are facing just as tough a challenge as their friends across the aisle are.
Citing a recent Democratic focus group in the City of Brotherly Love, participants were worried just as much about Barack's apparent lack of experience as they were about Hillary's core.
If we're to accept their premise, that both have the intellectual stamina to make it in the office, but that Hillary's core personality is untrustworthy and Barack could use some extra experience, it seems that the choice is to go with the man who's from Illinois now, not the one who left it in her late teens.
As time goes on, I do find myself sliding more towards Barack. None of the GOP candidates, spare perhaps Ron Paul (whose views have not yet received the scrutiny needed for someone in the top tier), have excited me enough or given me a real desire to see them sitting behind the desk.
Anyway, here's the Hunt article in case you're interested.
Why can't Edwards take advantage of these things?
He seems like a sure winner, even though he lost last time...
I do also think that Barack has a solid undocumented following, and that Clinton's support is overinflated. We will know more in 3 weeks, but I would rather take a little less experience than someone whose core and center of being I don't trust.
I personally, go back and forth between Edwards and Obama at this point.
I'm pretty close to you. I don't give Edwards a whole lot of thought, but I've been seriously kicking the Barack idea around.
Not sure if you caught Hardball last night, but Edwards was downright giddy...it was weird.
Interesting polling article in the TImes today...might link it up over lunch. It's on how, in the GOP, the largest segment is those who are undecided now.
No one excites them...
Democrats fall in love, republicans fall in line.
RP FTW! :)
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