The Times comes out with a below-the-fold front page article this morning slamming the Rudy campaign for citing crime, economic and health statistics that are, at best, misleading. At worst, they've pretty much got to be called lies.
As my buddy up in the tundra and I have jabbed back and forth about, if this becomes part of the narrative of his campaign, everything he says is going to be held to a little higher truth standard than otherwise.
Think back to Gore's exaggeration (which could lead to headlines being created when he said that he was 'so hungry he could eat a cow') and Kerry's flip-flopping problem and the exaggerated coverage that brought him.
Giuliani is the ultimate teflon candidate.
He seems to be taking advantage of that old republican truism (which has its roots in Wilsonian idealism); it doesnt matter what everyone else is saying, I am purveyor of truth and nobility.
I know...did you read the article?
The Frank Luntz line in there was so discouraging...because it was so balls-on right.
BTW, nice use of 'teflon.'
Was that a subtle jab about the ethnic heritage he shared with John Gotti? ;-)
I wish I was that clever.
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