I was living in California at the time and woke up at 6AM, just about the time the first plane was coming into the WTC. There had been a few weird murders going on in Sacramento around that time so when I clicked on the TV and there was a "Breaking News" banner I got annoyed and switched channels. By the third channel switch, I started to focus and realize what was going on.
Oddly, the first thing I did was grab the phone number of my company's New York office and called out to them. At that point, they, as well as I, thought it was a bit of a fluke and not a cause to disrupt their morning schedule. We agreed to chat later on in the day when I got to my office, and hung up.
By the way in to the office, it was clear what had happened and I remember driving down the 680, listening to the Howard Stern show on a 3-hour tape delay. It was fascinating to hear the show turn from the groping of Pamela Anderson's breasts to a slow realization of what was really going on here.
As the day wore on, things got more and more surreal...including having lunch with Jim at Togos. ;-)
I remember fleeting talk of donating blood at a local hospital until it became clear that the blood really was not needed. There weren't a whole hell of a lot of injuries requiring that aid. You lived or died.
Since then, I've become considerably more jaded about the world and, to be completely frank, glad I don't have children who will have to be here longer than I am. While not convinced that we're destined for some sort of complete destruction, I have a great deal of concern over the future. Now I don't know if that's just a function of growing older and seeing more things as life goes on, or if I am justified in my feelings.
Regardless, on that day it became clear to me, as it did to most everyone else, that life had really changed. We always thought that we were safe over here and found out that we aren't.
I guess I'm just feeling out of sorts here, looking back on what's gone down, and wanted to indulge myself by posting this rambling which I'll probably be tempted to delete tomorrow.
I have nothing to post on these show trials/hearings/circus acts going on in Washington...the whole charade makes me feel physically ill and ashamed of my country.
1 comment:
i had been married all of...a month when this crap hit the fan.
one of the men my dad died saving...died at the WTC on 9/11.
it is a confusing world - one that has confused me for as long as i can remember.
the only meaning i can find is do as little harm as possible, help as much as you can...and enjoy every moment you can. everything else is hooey.
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