A Research outfit in the Volunteer State put out a release today claiming that Al Gore uses as much power in a month as most of us do in a whole year.
This reminds me of when Barbara Streisand told us that we should all pitch in to conserve engery, but when pressed, her spokesperson said that Babs' preaching didn't really apply to herself.
Of course it doesn't.
Dan, are you only picking up on this since Sean Hannety seems to be. I told you about this weeks ago.
I hate that the whole "maybe we're f'in up the environment/earth and should try to do something about it" is going to be de-railed because the right can't bash Gore enough, and can't dismiss an opportunity to talk about how 'liberals talk down to us'.
What is it they say about when you can't attack the message you attack the messenger?
cops shouldn't speed when they catch speeders, either. that would be hypocritical.
Not bashing anyone, just admiring the hypocrisy.
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